學生基本資料登錄 [Enter personal information] |
學生基本資料輸入 [未曾登錄同學,請務必先執行此一選項] Students who have not taken this course in previous semesters must enter their personal log and fill out basic information online prior to attending the seminar. |
書報討論場次登錄 [Register for seminars] |
2. 查詢個人出席狀況 3.修改個人資料
4. 更改密碼 [學生必須先登錄過個人基本資料,始得執行] Please ensure that all your personal information is complete and correct (students who fail to enter their personal information will not be able to register for the seminar online. |
書報討論選場及計分說明 [Attendance and Scoring for the seminar] |
Please read the scoring instructions in the left column. 第一次選場:書報討論選場次時間為 2025/02/19 (星期三) 中午12:30至晚上24:00 Primary Selection (I): 2025/02/19 (Wed.) 12:30~24:00 第二次選場:書報討論選場次時間為 2025/02/20 (星期四) 中午12:30至晚上24:00 Secondary Selection (II): 2025/02/20 (Thu.) 12:30~24:00
專題演講資料查詢 [Seminar information] |
查詢各場次演講時間、地點、講者個人資料、講題等 Query seminar information |